The story of space

solar system

Solar System

Here is a true time scaled solar-system. That means every objects have a time relative to an Earth year. 1 year is equal 30 seconds.

Space is everything around our planet, Earth, and much further beyond. Nobady know how big space is, so there is a lot to explore! Our place in space is in a group of planets circling around the Sun, known as a Solar System. We live on the third planet from the Sun.

Solar System includes the 8 planets and their moons, the asteroids, the dwarf planets, all the Kuiper belt objects, the meteoroids, comets and interplanetary dust.

There are separate regions in the Solar System. First, there’s the Sun, of course. Then there are rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Then comes the asteroid belt where the largest dwarf planet, Ceres, is located. Then come the gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. After that comes the Kuiper Belt, which includes 3 more dwarf planets: Pluto, Makemake, and Eris. Between the planets are smaller objects which never formed a planet or moon. The solar wind emanating from the Sun blasts through the Solar System, interactin with the planets, and pushing material out into interstellar space. The region where this solar wind blows is called the heliosphere, and where it stops is called the heliopause. The immediate neighborhood around the Solar System is known as the Local Interstellar Cloud. It has high-temperature plasma that suggests that there were nearby supernova.