The story of space



Neptune is the eighth and furthest planet from the sun. Neptune's atmosphere gives it a blue color which is fitting with it being named after the Roman god of the sea. Neptune is an ice giant planet. This means it has a gas surface like the gas giant planets, but it has an interior composed mostly of ices and rock. Neptune is slightly smaller than its sister planet Uranus making it the 4th largest planet. However, Neptune is a little bit larger in mass than Uranus making it the 3rd largest planet by mass.

The average temperature on Neptune is around -392 degrees, which makes the planet the coldest planet in the solar system. Neptune was discovered in 1846, and can only be seen through a telescope.

Neptune’s upper atmosphere is made of the gas methane which gives the planet a bright blue color. It takes Neptune 165 Earth years to orbit the sun. 1 day on Neptune lasts for about 16 hours, compared to Earths 24 hours.